A guerra ao Caps Lock

Por Paulo Gurgel Carlos da Silva, no Portal LN

“ur caps r on, btw” Urban Dictionary

A Caps Lock, que “iniciou carreira”, nos idos de 1878, como uma tecla que permitia passar das minúsculas para as maiúsculas nas máquinas de escrever, está sob o risco de desaparecer.

Por haver muita gente que usa exageradamente as letras maiúsculas na web, suprimir a tecla em questão seria a forma de evitar certas deselegâncias virtuais.

Afinal, usar a Caps Lock sem critério faz parecer que o internauta está gritando.

Do Mashable


By Matt Silverman

There’s a lot of shouting on the Internet. Sometimes it’s a heated political debate. Sometimes it’s a nerdy discourse on the lore of Babylon 5.

And sometimes it’s Nana sending you an email in all caps “BECAUSE I CAN SEE THE LETTERS BETTER THIS WAY.” Bless her heart.

In the plain text world of SMS and Twitter, capital letters have become a de facto volume dial. But it wasn’t always this way. The folks at Knock Twice reviewed the history of the computer keyboard and charted some of the most-shouted words on the web today.

The Twitter data comes courtesy of the @CapsCop, who collected more than 1 million random tweets over two years to find some of the most caps-locked words and phrases.

CAPS LOCK Infographic

Luis Nassif

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