Jovem enxadrista norueguês ultrapassa recorde de Kasparov

O Norueguês Magnus Carlsen, 22 anos, é o enxadrista com maior ranking de toda a história do xadrez, , 2861, ultrapassando o recorde de Kasparov, que era de 2851, alcançado no ano 2000, que parecia impossivel de ser batido. 

Carlsen recebeu as primeiras lições de xadrez do seu pai, com 5 anos. Tornou-se Grande Mestre de Xadrez( GM ) com 13 anos de idade, o terceiro mais jovem da história. Com 19 anos se tornou o ranking n.o 1 no mundo, ultrapassando o russo Kramnik.  Em dezembro de 2012 , num torneio em Londres  ( London Chess Classic ) ultrapassou o recorde de Kasparov, de 2000. 

Baseado no seu ranking, se habilitou a desafiar o campeão mundial Anand, match que ocorrerá em 2013. 


Magnus Carlsen becomes game’s ‘highest-rated player of all time’

Magnus Carlsen becomes game’s ‘highest-rated player of all time’

London: Norwegian sensation Magnus Carlsen has reportedly broken Gary Kasparov’s 12-year record to become game’s highest-rated player of all time.

The 22-year-old world number took up chess at the age of five and became world number one by the time he was 19.

Known as the “Mozart of chess“ for the raw ability he demonstrated from a young age, Carlsen achieved his goal by defeating English player Luke McShane at the London Chess Classic this week, the Daily Mail reports.

According to the paper, Kasparov had previously claimed that his record rating of 2,851 was impossible to beat, but with victory over McShane, Carlsen nudged his own total to 2,857.4 points.

In typically understated fashion Carlsen, who has been world number one since he took the crown at the age of 19, said his win over McShane was a “great start to the tournament“ and he was satisfied with the record, the paper said.

Carlsen`s manager Espen Agdestein said he didn`t anticipate his client would be devoting any time to enjoying a few glasses of champagne to celebrate the landmark because he was “a bit boring in that regard“, it added.

The part-time model reportedly picks up a cool 933,000 pounds a year from chess having developed a passion for the game when his father taught him how to play at the age of five, the paper concluded.


First Published: Sunday, December 09, 2012, 15:29
O programa “60 minutes” fez uma reportagem sobre ele em fevereiro deste ano. ( sem legendas )


Mozart of Chess: Magnus Carlsen

Luis Nassif

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