A velocidade da banda larga da Net

Pago por uma banda larga de 20 mbps da Net.

Abaixo, o teste de velocidade que acabei de fazer: menos de um mbps.

Luis Nassif

35 Comentários

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      1. Essa é só a velocidade de envio

        Testei aqui em casa (20 Mbps contratados) e foi a “lesma lerda”. Esse resultado reflete só a velocidade de envio (uplink).


        Pelo SpeedTest.net contra um servidor em Caraguatatuba (!), o resultado foi o seguinte:

        Ou seja, quase 20 Mbps pra baixar, quase 1 Mbps pra subir. Considero esses valores excelentes, pois tem a sobrecarga dos protocolos de dados que realmente “comem” um pouco da banda – no meu caso, menos de 10 %. Então pra mim está normal.

        Repete o teste com o speedtest.net, Nassif.

  1. Eu não entendo disso, mas,

    Eu não entendo disso, mas, teoricamente, pago por 2 mbps (é o máximo que Speedy fornece na minha cidade) e muitas vezes até YouTube trava.

  2. Não é bem assim…


    Na verdade, vc contratou 20 megabits, e o teste que vc fez está em kilobyte… 

    Logo, na teoria vc estaria com algo próximo a 8 megabits, pois 1 megabyte = 8 megabits…, ainda sim bem abaixo do contratado.

  3. Pago os mesmos 20 mbps da Net…

    E meu teste deu 471.6.

    Tem um celular e um notebook no Wifi, mesmo assim… Mas eu prefiro antes processar a Claro. O 3G dela, ao menos aqui no Rio, não vale de nada. 

  4. Esse tipo de teste não é 100%

    Esse tipo de teste não é 100% confiável.

    Principalmente esse daí da Intel. Aqui deu na maioria das vezes abaixo de 2 mega. Como achei estranho, fui verificar da forma que me parece mais adequada, usar alguma forma de download mesmo. Testei com um torrent “bom” (vários seeds e poucos leechers) e chegou no teto (5 mega) tranquilo.

    1. Eu sempre faço o mesmo e

      Eu sempre faço o mesmo e minha NET no teste do “torrent” sempre entrega os 10Mbps contratados. Há muitos anos atrás a NET fez controle de traffic shapping do eMule e outros softwares de P2P mas a comunidade computeira denunciou e provou a prática e eles pararam. 

  5. Nassif
    Não achei onde postar,


    Não achei onde postar, mas esse assunto lhe interessa.

    Qua , 18/09/2013 às 21:19

    Senado regulamenta direito de resposta

    Débora Álvares | Agência Estado

    O Senado aprovou nesta quarta-feira, 18, um projeto de lei que regulamenta o direito de resposta. Matérias divulgadas em veículos de comunicação passam a ter o direito de resposta regulado por regras aprovadas no plenário do Senado. O ofendido terá direito à divulgação de resposta gratuita e proporcional à matéria que tiver atentado contra “honra, reputação, conceito, nome, marca ou imagem”, com o mesmo destaque, publicidade, periodicidade e dimensão.

    Caso o veículo, independente da plataforma em que atue, se retrate espontaneamente – isso deve ocorrer de forma proporcional ao agravo -, o direito de resposta é suspenso, mas permanece a possibilidade de ação de reparação por dano moral. O texto não garante o direito de resposta a comentários de leitores feitos em sites de veículos de comunicação.

    Quem se sentir ofendido por alguma informação veiculada tem ate 60 dias para requerer o direito de resposta, contados da publicação da matéria. Isso deverá se dar por correspondência com aviso de recebimento enviada ao veículo de comunicação. Ao veículo de comunicação é dado sete dias para publicar ou divulgar a resposta ou retificação. O descumprimento do prazo implica em ação judicial.

    O projeto permite ainda que as empresas jornalísticas recorram da decisão do juiz que conceder o direito de resposta ao ofendido para suspender os seus efeitos. O recurso tem que ser encaminhado à turma do tribunal em que a ação judicial estiver tramitando. A turma decidirá se suspende a divulgação do direito de resposta até a decisão final do juiz.

    O autor da matéria, senador Roberto Requião (PMDB-PR), disse que a proposta preenche a lacuna deixada pela rejeição, por parte do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), ao considerar inconstitucional a Lei da Imprensa. O senador Pedro Taques (PDT-MT), que relatou a matéria na Comissão de Constituição e Justiça (CCJ), destacou que a intenção do projeto é garantir a celeridade de rito no direito de resposta, não “cercear o direito à informação, nem censurar a imprensa, que deve ser livre”.


  6. Não entra no clipping, mas o desenho é sugestão de logo

    A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics


    Artist’s rendering of the amplituhedron, a newly discovered mathematical object resembling a multifaceted jewel in higher dimensions. Encoded in its volume are the most basic features of reality that can be calculated — the probabilities of outcomes of particle interactions.

    Illustration by Andy Gilmore

    Artist’s rendering of the amplituhedron, a newly discovered mathematical object resembling a multifaceted jewel in higher dimensions. Encoded in its volume are the most basic features of reality that can be calculated — the probabilities of outcomes of particle interactions.

    By: Natalie Wolchover

    September 17, 2013

        email print

    Comments (33)

    Physicists have discovered a jewel-like geometric object that dramatically simplifies calculations of particle interactions and challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental components of reality.

    “This is completely new and very much simpler than anything that has been done before,” said Andrew Hodges, a mathematical physicist at Oxford University who has been following the work.

    The revelation that particle interactions, the most basic events in nature, may be consequences of geometry significantly advances a decades-long effort to reformulate quantum field theory, the body of laws describing elementary particles and their interactions. Interactions that were previously calculated with mathematical formulas thousands of terms long can now be described by computing the volume of the corresponding jewel-like “amplituhedron,” which yields an equivalent one-term expression.

    “The degree of efficiency is mind-boggling,” said Jacob Bourjaily, a theoretical physicist at Harvard University and one of the researchers who developed the new idea. “You can easily do, on paper, computations that were infeasible even with a computer before.”

    The new geometric version of quantum field theory could also facilitate the search for a theory of quantum gravity that would seamlessly connect the large- and small-scale pictures of the universe. Attempts thus far to incorporate gravity into the laws of physics at the quantum scale have run up against nonsensical infinities and deep paradoxes. The amplituhedron, or a similar geometric object, could help by removing two deeply rooted principles of physics: locality and unitarity.

    “Both are hard-wired in the usual way we think about things,” said Nima Arkani-Hamed, a professor of physics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., and the lead author of the new work, which he is presenting in talks and in a forthcoming paper. “Both are suspect.”

    Locality is the notion that particles can interact only from adjoining positions in space and time. And unitarity holds that the probabilities of all possible outcomes of a quantum mechanical interaction must add up to one. The concepts are the central pillars of quantum field theory in its original form, but in certain situations involving gravity, both break down, suggesting neither is a fundamental aspect of nature.

    In keeping with this idea, the new geometric approach to particle interactions removes locality and unitarity from its starting assumptions. The amplituhedron is not built out of space-time and probabilities; these properties merely arise as consequences of the jewel’s geometry. The usual picture of space and time, and particles moving around in them, is a construct.

    “It’s a better formulation that makes you think about everything in a completely different way,” said David Skinner, a theoretical physicist at Cambridge University.

    The amplituhedron itself does not describe gravity. But Arkani-Hamed and his collaborators think there might be a related geometric object that does. Its properties would make it clear why particles appear to exist, and why they appear to move in three dimensions of space and to change over time.

    Because “we know that ultimately, we need to find a theory that doesn’t have” unitarity and locality, Bourjaily said, “it’s a starting point to ultimately describing a quantum theory of gravity.”

    Clunky Machinery

    The amplituhedron looks like an intricate, multifaceted jewel in higher dimensions. Encoded in its volume are the most basic features of reality that can be calculated, “scattering amplitudes,” which represent the likelihood that a certain set of particles will turn into certain other particles upon colliding. These numbers are what particle physicists calculate and test to high precision at particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland.

    The iconic 20th century physicist Richard Feynman invented a method for calculating probabilities of particle interactions using depictions of all the different ways an interaction could occur. Examples of “Feynman diagrams” were included on a 2005 postage stamp honoring Feynman.

    United States Postal Service

    The iconic 20th century physicist Richard Feynman invented a method for calculating probabilities of particle interactions using depictions of all the different ways an interaction could occur. Examples of “Feynman diagrams” were included on a 2005 postage stamp honoring Feynman.

    The 60-year-old method for calculating scattering amplitudes — a major innovation at the time — was pioneered by the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman. He sketched line drawings of all the ways a scattering process could occur and then summed the likelihoods of the different drawings. The simplest Feynman diagrams look like trees: The particles involved in a collision come together like roots, and the particles that result shoot out like branches. More complicated diagrams have loops, where colliding particles turn into unobservable “virtual particles” that interact with each other before branching out as real final products. There are diagrams with one loop, two loops, three loops and so on — increasingly baroque iterations of the scattering process that contribute progressively less to its total amplitude. Virtual particles are never observed in nature, but they were considered mathematically necessary for unitarity — the requirement that probabilities sum to one.

    “The number of Feynman diagrams is so explosively large that even computations of really simple processes weren’t done until the age of computers,” Bourjaily said. A seemingly simple event, such as two subatomic particles called gluons colliding to produce four less energetic gluons (which happens billions of times a second during collisions at the Large Hadron Collider), involves 220 diagrams, which collectively contribute thousands of terms to the calculation of the scattering amplitude.

    In 1986, it became apparent that Feynman’s apparatus was a Rube Goldberg machine.

    To prepare for the construction of the Superconducting Super Collider in Texas (a project that was later canceled), theorists wanted to calculate the scattering amplitudes of known particle interactions to establish a background against which interesting or exotic signals would stand out. But even 2-gluon to 4-gluon processes were so complex, a group of physicists had written two years earlier, “that they may not be evaluated in the foreseeable future.”

    Stephen Parke and Tommy Taylor, theorists at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois, took that statement as a challenge. Using a few mathematical tricks, they managed to simplify the 2-gluon to 4-gluon amplitude calculation from several billion terms to a 9-page-long formula, which a 1980s supercomputer could handle. Then, based on a pattern they observed in the scattering amplitudes of other gluon interactions, Parke and Taylor guessed a simple one-term expression for the amplitude. It was, the computer verified, equivalent to the 9-page formula. In other words, the traditional machinery of quantum field theory, involving hundreds of Feynman diagrams worth thousands of mathematical terms, was obfuscating something much simpler. As Bourjaily put it: “Why are you summing up millions of things when the answer is just one function?”

    “We knew at the time that we had an important result,” Parke said. “We knew it instantly. But what to do with it?”

    The Amplituhedron

    The message of Parke and Taylor’s single-term result took decades to interpret. “That one-term, beautiful little function was like a beacon for the next 30 years,” Bourjaily said. It “really started this revolution.”

    Twistor diagrams depicting an interaction between six gluons, in the cases where two (left) and four (right) of the particles have negative helicity, a property similar to spin. The diagrams can be used to derive a simple formula for the 6-gluon scattering amplitude.

    Arkani-Hamed et al.

    Twistor diagrams depicting an interaction between six gluons, in the cases where two (left) and four (right) of the particles have negative helicity, a property similar to spin. The diagrams can be used to derive a simple formula for the 6-gluon scattering amplitude.

    In the mid-2000s, more patterns emerged in the scattering amplitudes of particle interactions, repeatedly hinting at an underlying, coherent mathematical structure behind quantum field theory. Most important was a set of formulas called the BCFW recursion relations, named for Ruth Britto, Freddy Cachazo,Bo Feng and Edward Witten. Instead of describing scattering processes in terms of familiar variables like position and time and depicting them in thousands of Feynman diagrams, the BCFW relations are best couched in terms of strange variables called “twistors,” and particle interactions can be captured in a handful of associated twistor diagrams. The relations gained rapid adoption as tools for computing scattering amplitudes relevant to experiments, such as collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. But their simplicity was mysterious.

    “The terms in these BCFW relations were coming from a different world, and we wanted to understand what that world was,” Arkani-Hamed said. “That’s what drew me into the subject five years ago.”

    With the help of leading mathematicians such as Pierre Deligne, Arkani-Hamed and his collaborators discovered that the recursion relations and associated twistor diagrams corresponded to a well-known geometric object. In fact, as detailed in a paper posted to arXiv.org in December by Arkani-Hamed, Bourjaily, Cachazo, Alexander Goncharov,Alexander Postnikov and Jaroslav Trnka, the twistor diagrams gave instructions for calculating the volume of pieces of this object, called the positive Grassmannian.

    Named for Hermann Grassmann, a 19th-century German linguist and mathematician who studied its properties, “the positive Grassmannian is the slightly more grown-up cousin of the inside of a triangle,” Arkani-Hamed explained. Just as the inside of a triangle is a region in a two-dimensional space bounded by intersecting lines, the simplest case of the positive Grassmannian is a region in an N-dimensional space bounded by intersecting planes. (N is the number of particles involved in a scattering process.)

    It was a geometric representation of real particle data, such as the likelihood that two colliding gluons will turn into four gluons. But something was still missing.

    The physicists hoped that the amplitude of a scattering process would emerge purely and inevitably from geometry, but locality and unitarity were dictating which pieces of the positive Grassmannian to add together to get it. They wondered whether the amplitude was “the answer to some particular mathematical question,” said Trnka, a post-doctoral researcher at the California Institute of Technology. “And it is,” he said.

    A sketch of the amplituhedron representing an 8-gluon particle interaction. Using Feynman diagrams, the same calculation would take roughly 500 pages of algebra.

    Nima Arkani-Hamed

    A sketch of the amplituhedron representing an 8-gluon particle interaction. Using Feynman diagrams, the same calculation would take roughly 500 pages of algebra.

    Arkani-Hamed and Trnka discovered that the scattering amplitude equals the volume of a brand-new mathematical object — the amplituhedron. The details of a particular scattering process dictate the dimensionality and facets of the corresponding amplituhedron. The pieces of the positive Grassmannian that were being calculated with twistor diagrams and then added together by hand were building blocks that fit together inside this jewel, just as triangles fit together to form a polygon.

    Like the twistor diagrams, the Feynman diagrams are another way of computing the volume of the amplituhedron piece by piece, but they are much less efficient. “They are local and unitary in space-time, but they are not necessarily very convenient or well-adapted to the shape of this jewel itself,” Skinner said. “Using Feynman diagrams is like taking a Ming vase and smashing it on the floor.”

    Arkani-Hamed and Trnka have been able to calculate the volume of the amplituhedron directly in some cases, without using twistor diagrams to compute the volumes of its pieces. They have also found a “master amplituhedron” with an infinite number of facets, analogous to a circle in 2-D, which has an infinite number of sides. Its volume represents, in theory, the total amplitude of all physical processes. Lower-dimensional amplituhedra, which correspond to interactions between finite numbers of particles, live on the faces of this master structure.

    “They are very powerful calculational techniques, but they are also incredibly suggestive,” Skinner said. “They suggest that thinking in terms of space-time was not the right way of going about this.”

    Quest for Quantum Gravity

    The seemingly irreconcilable conflict between gravity and quantum field theory enters crisis mode in black holes. Black holes pack a huge amount of mass into an extremely small space, making gravity a major player at the quantum scale, where it can usually be ignored. Inevitably, either locality or unitarity is the source of the conflict.

    Puzzling Thoughts

    Locality and unitarity are the central pillars of quantum field theory, but as the following thought experiments show, both break down in certain situations involving gravity. This suggests physics should be formulated without either principle.

    Locality says that particles interact at points in space-time. But suppose you want to inspect space-time very closely. Probing smaller and smaller distance scales requires ever higher energies, but at a certain scale, called the Planck length, the picture gets blurry: So much energy must be concentrated into such a small region that the energy collapses the region into a black hole, making it impossible to inspect. “There’s no way of measuring space and time separations once they are smaller than the Planck length,” said Arkani-Hamed. “So we imagine space-time is a continuous thing, but because it’s impossible to talk sharply about that thing, then that suggests it must not be fundamental — it must be emergent.”

    Unitarity says the quantum mechanical probabilities of all possible outcomes of a particle interaction must sum to one. To prove it, one would have to observe the same interaction over and over and count the frequencies of the different outcomes. Doing this to perfect accuracy would require an infinite number of observations using an infinitely large measuring apparatus, but the latter would again cause gravitational collapse into a black hole. In finite regions of the universe, unitarity can therefore only be approximately known.

    “We have indications that both ideas have got to go,” Arkani-Hamed said. “They can’t be fundamental features of the next description,” such as a theory of quantum gravity.

    String theory, a framework that treats particles as invisibly small, vibrating strings, is one candidate for a theory of quantum gravity that seems to hold up in black hole situations, but its relationship to reality is unproven — or at least confusing. Recently, a strange duality has been found between string theory and quantum field theory, indicating that the former (which includes gravity) is mathematically equivalent to the latter (which does not) when the two theories describe the same event as if it is taking place in different numbers of dimensions. No one knows quite what to make of this discovery. But the new amplituhedron research suggests space-time, and therefore dimensions, may be illusory anyway.

    “We can’t rely on the usual familiar quantum mechanical space-time pictures of describing physics,” Arkani-Hamed said. “We have to learn new ways of talking about it. This work is a baby step in that direction.”

    Even without unitarity and locality, the amplituhedron formulation of quantum field theory does not yet incorporate gravity. But researchers are working on it. They say scattering processes that include gravity particles may be possible to describe with the amplituhedron, or with a similar geometric object. “It might be closely related but slightly different and harder to find,” Skinner said.

    Nima Arkani-Hamed, a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, and his former student and co-author Jaroslav Trnka, who finished his Ph.D. at Princeton University in July and is now a post-doctoral researcher at the California Institute of Technology.

    Courtesy of Jaroslav Trnka

    Nima Arkani-Hamed, a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, and his former student and co-author Jaroslav Trnka, who finished his Ph.D. at Princeton University in July and is now a post-doctoral researcher at the California Institute of Technology.

    Physicists must also prove that the new geometric formulation applies to the exact particles that are known to exist in the universe, rather than to the idealized quantum field theory they used to develop it, called maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. This model, which includes a “superpartner” particle for every known particle and treats space-time as flat, “just happens to be the simplest test case for these new tools,” Bourjaily said. “The way to generalize these new tools to [other] theories is understood.”

    Beyond making calculations easier or possibly leading the way to quantum gravity, the discovery of the amplituhedron could cause an even more profound shift, Arkani-Hamed said. That is, giving up space and time as fundamental constituents of nature and figuring out how the Big Bang and cosmological evolution of the universe arose out of pure geometry.

    “In a sense, we would see that change arises from the structure of the object,” he said. “But it’s not from the object changing. The object is basically timeless.”

    While more work is needed, many theoretical physicists are paying close attention to the new ideas.

    The work is “very unexpected from several points of view,” said Witten, a theoretical physicist at the Institute for Advanced Study. “The field is still developing very fast, and it is difficult to guess what will happen or what the lessons will turn out to be.”


  7. Nunca é o que eles vendem

    Quase todos os dias recebo ligação da minha operadora oferecendo mais velocidade. E respondo invariavelmente que não quero nenhum pacote a mais porque eles nunca entregam o que vendem.

  8. Faça o teste no celular: verá

    Faça o teste no celular: verá ridículos kbps lembrando a era da conexão discada. A internet, alem de grampeada pelos EUA, é uma fraude completa no preço e na velocidade no Brazilzilzil desde a #Privataria.

    1. Net

      Acho que você está equivocado, quanto aos 15Mbps; creio que a coisa gire em torno de 120Kbps de download por mega contratado. Normalmente esses serviços são, também, compartilhados. Isso significa que se muita gente, na sua região, estiver usando o serviço a coisa fica lenta.

  9. Varia muito conforme os sistemas de medição

    Minha conexão é teoricamente de 10 Mbps.

    Teste igual ao do Nassif – 1,6 Mbps.

    RJNET Sistema 1 – 1,65 Mbps.

    RJNET Sistema 2 – 3,35 Mbps.

    Speedtest – 5,20 Mbps.

    SIMET – 5,22 Mbps.

    Como os testes foram em sequência, creio que refletem um mesmo contexto geral de velocidade da rede. Provavelmente, portanto, as diferenças são devidas aos métodos de medição. Mas, pelo menos neste momento, como se observa, por nenhum dos métodos o provedor estava entregando a velocidade prometida.

  10. Dica

    No final do teste do SIMET ficou visível um botão que facultava testar o Wi-Fi. Resolvi experimentar. Durante o teste um aviso sugeriu mudar o canal do roteador (para o canal 1) para evitar a interferência de redes próximas (imagino que dos vizinhos do meu prédio). Fui lá no endereço IP que leva às configurações do meu roteador, na página “configurações wireless” e, desobediente, cravei a opção “escolha automática de canais”. Voltei ao teste e o roteador de fato estava agora no canal 1. Fechei a janela do wi-fi e refiz todo o teste: o botão de “testar wi-fi” desapareceu e a velocidade de download, que antes estava por volta de 5-6 Mbps, passou a 10 Mbps. Se foi por que decorreram de 15 a 20 minutos entre os testes e neste período as condições da rede mudaram, não sei: mas fica a dica para quem quiser testar.

  11. Sou usuário da GVT de Porto
    Sou usuário da GVT de Porto Alegre e tenho 35mb contratados. Confesso que nunca recebi sinal abaixo de 36mb por cabo e 23mb com wifi on ( que gera perda). Justiça seja feita, minha internet não tenho o que reclamar. So um tempo atras meu numero foi troxado sem me avisar.

  12. eu tenho uma rede tipo net, só que funciona

    minha resposta pros 35 megabits por segundo da gvt, e é sempre assim.

    Last Result:
    Download Speed: 35593 kbps (4449.1 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Upload Speed: 3227 kbps (403.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Latency: 15 ms
    quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2013 07:29:35

    Last Result:
    Download Speed: 35331 kbps (4416.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Upload Speed: 3078 kbps (384.8 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Latency: 15 ms
    quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2013 07:31:40

  13. Meus testes

    Contratado: 15 M para download e 1 M para upload da GVT

    Copel: down-14,92 mbps – upload 0,92 mbps

    Intel: 1,6 mpbs (tem algo errado no teste da intel)

    Speedtest: down 15,12 mbps – upload 0,96 mbps

    Considerando a Copel e o SpeedTest eu recebo o contratado.

    O 3G é instável. Nem sempre entrega o 1 Mega contratado. Aliás, nem sempre funciona. Parece um serviço experimental.


  14. A minha é de 10 mega,

    A minha é de 10 mega, atualmente não consigo assistir sequer a vídeos do youtube de forma contínua sem travar. Dizem que a melhor é a gvt, entregam o que você comprou, pelo menos não vejo reclamação do nível da net.

    1. A NET bloqueia o YouTube.Se

      A NET bloqueia o YouTube.

      Se vc utilizar um proxy, o problema para.


      Amigo, já fui usuário da Net por anos. Ela me prestava um bom serviço porém todo dia 5, literalmente, do mês minha velocidade caia para 100k. Ela bloqueava minha velocidade no início do mes devido a downloads.

      Imagine se vou ficar pagando para receber uma fração do eu contrato durante 25 dias do mês.

      Ampliando a velocidade a quota de download NÃO aumenta.

      Isso foi uma tentativa da NET para taxar seus usuários. O que ela queria era vender acesso por MB. Vc estoura a cota ridícula que eles fornecem e eles te vendem uma nova cota.

      E se vc ligar reclamando ela vai dizer que vc não tem a velocidade porque tem usuários que “usam”muito, lol. A culpa é sua, não da empresa.


      Sinceramente, a NET, por suas práticas comerciais que beiram a canalhisse, não merece o dinheiro de ninguém.

  15. Canais wi-fi

    Um roteador wireless típico oferece os canais 1 a 11 (alguns modelos vão de 1 a 14). Não há diferença de velocidade entre os canais, apenas de frequencia de transmissao.

    O problema, que muitos usuários desconhecem, é que se roteadores próximos usam o mesmo canal, pode ocorrer forte interferência e degradar a velocidade.

    O ideal é que os vizinhos conversassem para uma divisão dos canais. Taí uma boa pauta para a próxima reunião do condomínio rsrs

    1. Não é preciso

      Você não precisa fazer uma reunião com os vizinhos para alocar os canais. Basta utilizar um software para varrer o espectro na sua casa e identificar quais canais tem o sinal mais fraco. Lembrando que o ideal é sempre evitar os que possuam canais adjacentes que possuam sinal forte também, pois há alguma sobreposição no espectro.

  16. Internet lenta quase parando.

    A minha Internet é muito lenta. Não da nem para avaliar a velocidade, liguei hoje para cancelar. Não posso segundo a atendente tenho que passar pelo período de fidelidade de 12 meses, pensei que houvesse uma lei proibindo essa fidelidade. Afinal a fidelidade caiu ou não? 

    1. Lógico que não amigo. Isso

      Lógico que não amigo. Isso aqui é Brasil! Toda e qualquer jurisprudência é criada para favorecer as empresas. É assim desde que o Brasil é Brasil.


      Vc pode conseguir o cancelamento sem pagar fidelidade caso comprove a incapacidade da operadora prestar o serviço contratado.

      Vc acabou de contratar?

      De qualquer forma, temq ue protocolar reclamação na anatel, procon etc..

  17. Questão de vestibuar: Num

    Questão de vestibuar da Fuvest 2012:


    Num site há 2 tipos de pessoas:

    A- Os que usam GVT e estão satisfeitos;

    B- Os que usam outros provedores que estão insatisfeitos.


    Os usuários 1 recebem o que pagam sem bloqueio de sites, velocidades ou quota de download.

    Os usuários 2 pagam e tem determinados(YouTube) sites bloqueados(limitados), não tem as velocidades contratadas e se baixar 20GB que é mais ou menos equivalente ao download de 1(UM) filme em 1080p, sua velocidade, que nunca foi a contratada, fica limitada a 100k até o fim do mês.


    Um sábio do morro uma vez disse que os usuário se dividem em 2 grupos:

    1 – Malandro

    2- Mané


    A qual grupo de usuários pertence A e B?

  18. Medição Oficial

    Nassif, tem uma informação que deveria ser divulgada pelas operadoras de internet mas nem todas o fazem.

     A  Resolução Anatel n.º 574, de 28 de outubro de 2011 criou um programa oficial de medição de velocidade de internet. O endereço é o http://www.brasilbandalarga.com.br/, as medições que você faz ficam registradas e servem como base para a ANATEL saber se as operadoras estão entregando a velocidade prometida. De outra forma não há como a ANATEL aferir esses dados. Uma função que eu acho interessante é que as suas medições prévias ficam registradas e com isso você pode ver o histórico de evolução da velocidade.


  19. serviços de telecom sem regulação
    Prezado Nassif,
    Bem vindo ao clube dos sofredores com a Internet brasileira.

    Onde você compra 10 pães mas só pode levar 1 ou compra 2 litro de refrigerante mas só toma um copinho de 200mL, já que a legislação nacional obriga a operadora a garantir apenas 10% da banda contratada.

    E a Agência Nacional da Empresas de Telecomunicações (conhecida por Anatel)??? Faz o quê?

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