O andamento das três investigações contra Eduardo Cunha no STF

Patricia Faermann
Jornalista, pós-graduada em Estudos Internacionais pela Universidade do Chile, repórter de Política, Justiça e América Latina do GGN há 10 anos.
[email protected]

A primeira, o peemedebista já é réu com suspeita de receber pelo menos US$ 5 milhões em contrato da Petrobras. A segunda, com previsão de ser analisada nos próximos dias pelo STF, tratam do salto de 214% no patrimônio com as contas secretas no exterior. A terceira, enviada ao Supremo nesta semana, aponta Cunha como beneficiário de R$ 52 milhões em contrato do Porto Maravilha
Jornal GGN – Enquanto a terceira denúncia contra Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ) já está nas mãos do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), a Corte analisa em sua agenda quando a segunda delas será julgada. 
Após a terceira investigação apontar Cunha como beneficiário de R$ 52 milhões em propina nas obras do Porto Maravilha, no Rio de Janeiro, e a sua esposa, Cláudia Cruz, já se tornar ré em esquema de corrupção do marido na Justiça Federal do Paraná, o tribunal não deve tardar a decidir sob os processos que encurralam o peemedebista.
Até o momento, Cunha já é réu em uma denúncia que suspeita o recebimento de, pelo menos US$ 5 milhões, em propinas para o contrato de um estaleiro da Samsung Heavy com a Petrobras.
A data da sessão para o segundo eixo de investigações – que tratam de corrupção e lavagem de dinheiro associados às contas secretas de Cunha e sua família no exterior – não foi divulgada, mas o ministro relator, Teori Zavascki, já liberou a acusação para ser analisado por todo o Plenário da Corte, quando o próprio ministro divulgará o seu posicionamento.
Essa segunda investigação foi encaminhada pela Procuradoria-Geral da República em outubro de 2015, pedindo a abertura de inquérito contra o deputado, além do bloqueio e sequestro dos valores depositados nas contas dele na Suíça. 
Também é essa investigação que levou o parlamentar para o Conselho de Ética da Câmara, em julgamento de sua cassação. Durante depoimento à CPI da Petrobras, Cunha afirmou que não controla as contas secretas no país europeu.
Mas a Procuradoria-Geral da República levantou indícios de corrupção e lavagem de dinheiro, com o uso dessas contas, e contestou a evolução do patrimônio do deputado desde 2002, em um salto de 214%, passando de R$ 525.768 naquele ano para R$ 1,6 milhão em 2014. De acordo com o MPF, não há dúvidas que as contas são controladas por ele.
Já essa terceira denúncia aponta que o parlamentar teria solicitado e recebido propina de um consórcio formado pelas empreiteiras Odebrecht, OAS e Carioca Engenharia e tem como base as delações dos empresários Ricardo Pernambuco Júnior e seu pai, Ricardo Pernambuco, da última empresa.
Os executivos detalharam como Eduardo Cunha recebeu o equivalente a 1,5% dos títulos comprados pelo Fundo de Investimento do PGTS, em 36 parcelas, todas em contas no exterior. A primeira delas, uma transferência de quase US$ 4 milhões, foi direto para uma conta em Israel. Essa nova denúncia também não tem data definida para ser analisada pelos 11 ministros do Supremo.
Patricia Faermann

Jornalista, pós-graduada em Estudos Internacionais pela Universidade do Chile, repórter de Política, Justiça e América Latina do GGN há 10 anos.

7 Comentários

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  1. Nassif: é fato notório

    Nassif: é fato notório —mais fácil um camelo passar no fundo da agulha que Cunha ser preso. Aliás, a Bíblia esta sendo objeto e reinterpretação pelo STF e pelo Congresso. Em Eclesiastes foi assinalado que há tempo para todos os propósitos que passam. Porém, o “tempo de roubar” (da bíblia do Congresso) parece esta se prolongando além da conta. Tanto quanto o tempo de “julgar”, pelo STF. Sinal dos tempos dos tempos ou não, a brincadeira ainda vai longe, acredite.

  2. Quais segredos esse homem

    Quais segredos esse homem deve guardar? Se segura na cadeira com unhas e dentes e ninguem consegue retira-lo, por mais podres aparecem em sua ficha; e a denuncia do pha que o temer conversou com o gilçmar para arranjar um hc para o cerveró? Ninguem vai pedir o impeachment e cadeia para os dois? Quer dizer quando é petista não se pensa duas vezes para prender até cometendo injustiçasd mas quando não é ficam como crianças assustadas??

    1. Artigo e comentário interessantes sobre autoritarismo (em Inglês

      O comentário, que de forma oblíqua refere-se a tipos como o Cunha.

      Guerra é economia por violência:

      War is economics by violence. And economics is always a two-edged sword. In other words, yes, collapse will bring about increased control by the elites. But interestingly, collapse will deprive the elites of the resources they need to maintain that control. This is the sort of homeostatic feedback that the planet is blessed with. Another example: A ruthless person in obsessive pusuit of power will do all sorts of horrible things to get that power. But by the time they have power, thier guilty conscience and the psychic weight of continual wrong-doing, combined with a lack of restraint (absolute power) tends to render such people insane. Insane people quickly self-destruct. (Hillary, have you read your script?)

      The Soviet Union lasted for 70 years because it was an old-school police state. It relied on a cumbersome human bureaucracy, card files, railroad cars, and human informants. In fact, the main thing that sustained the CCCP was a chronic collapse-state. Control was needed because the crisis never ended. I submit that the Soviet experiment ended due to more prosperity. (Followed by a post-communist, banker-enginered economic collapse.)

      But who wants to be a file clerk in the bowels of the Comissariat for Internal Security? We have computers for that now. Everything is automated. If the human analog intelligence system is not already in place, when and how will they build it once Intel can’t make chips any more due to the collapse?

      So I see a hybrid system emerging, sort of like Brave New World. You’ll have a lot of disenfranchised people who are outside the system wanting to come in. They will be hungry, ragged, and will do almost anything to get “into” the system. Then by contrast, you’ll have a well-controlled populace of people who will be “inside”, and by benefit of offering slave-like loyalty to the elites, they will get housing, food, medical attention, security, etc.

      These sheeple will allow themselves to be chipped, tracked, and continually monitored. “Outside” the system, everyone will be killing and eating each other in a bloody and nasty struggle for survival at its most primitive and atavistic level.

      Those who desire to maintain a civilized, Christian way of life outside of the system will face the greatest challenges. The primitive hordes, (a la nigger rappers, see above) will beset them on the one hand, while the protected sheeple deny them the resources to maintain civilization on the other. Welcome to the Thunderdome.


      Economic Collapse Will Serve One Purpose: “Global Governance And The Enslavement Of Mankind”

      The ever-tightening noose around the neck of man shows no sign of slippage: all actions by all of the governments are anent control and dominion.  The path to global governance is plainly marked, visible through all of the turmoil.  It is that turmoil, those “incidents” that are created and fostered by the governments that enable them to further constrict the noose.  The economy plummets in Cyprus and Greece?  Time to limit the cash withdrawals.  The European banks are having a “hard time” in places such as France or Spain?  Time to pillage people’s savings and their IRA’s.

      Manufactured crises are the norm, not the exception, and all of them are designed to facilitate one purpose: global governance and the enslavement of mankind.

      The Bilderbergers are meeting in Germany this week.  Paul Joseph Watson of Alex Jones’ Prison Planet reported on some of the key issues they will be discussing, as such:


      “…the creation of a virtual passport that web users will need to obtain before they can use many Internet services is high on the agenda.  The Internet ID will be justified under the guise of “cybersecurity” and creating a convenient method for citizens to access government services, but free speech advocates will view the proposal with deep suspicion as it would threaten online anonymity and possibly chill dissent. Services such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter could also use the online passport to revoke posting permission if a user violates terms of agreement, another obvious threat to the free flow of information that has made the web what it is today.  Bilderberg globalists are also set to re-invigorate momentum behind another long term goal – a global tax system presided over by the UN.”


      Bilderberg Leak: Secretive Group to Discuss Internet ID, Global Tax, By Paul Joseph Watson

      These things are not new, in that they have been proposed before.  Just as with anything that is repeated long enough, however, the reiteration has dulled the senses of most.  The bad thing is that it is being acted upon.  A report by Tarun Wadwha last week described the inculcation of facial recognition software and the use of over 250 million cameras worldwide with the capability of utilizing this software.

      250 million cameras.  That would equal a camera for every 30 people.

      The article went on to detail how in Russia an application called FindFace has come out, the invention of two young entrepreneurs.  This application enables you to track down and identify virtually anyone; the app is building a database as we speak, and it is a matter of time before it expands outside of Russia to Europe and eventually the United States.  The article went on to detail some of the following measures used in the U.S. and Europe in the manner of the movie “Minority Report” with Tom Cruise as such:


      “Microsoft Corp. has patented technology that can allow a billboard to determine who you are and show you personalized advertisements. British authorities are using facial recognition at music festivals to spot troublemakers, while brick-and-mortar stores worldwide are racing to adopt the technology totrack loyal customers. Even some high schools and churches have started to use facial recognition to take attendance.”                          

      source: Opinion: Facial recognition will soon end your anonymity

      We see it being inserted into our society and the societies in the world: the surveillance state.  We see the deliberate and intentional collapses of the economies worldwide, the shifting of assets into the hands of those who control the strings either via legislation and “authority” (governments) or monetarily and economically (corporations and banks/bankers).  The daily decline in freedom of speech and the freedom to challenge the establishment…on anything, no matter how minute or obscure…is the rule, not the exception.

      In order for the global governance to occur, each “sphere of influence” such as parallel’s Orwell’s “1984” and the super-states must control its respective sphere absolutely. Because of the homogeneity of ethnicity that accompanies each area, overlap is not possible from a perspective of control.  But if the spheres of influence are “aligned” at least in purpose and levels of totalitarian control, then an effective balance can be maintained.  Then (to paraphrase Alinsky) it can be a matter of “organizing the organized” with “controllers” who oversee the governments/regimes of all of the spheres without any of the people (the enslaved) ever knowing.


      We are heading into a very dark time…a time where technology will be used to enslave, not enlighten or uplift mankind.  The new dark ages are almost upon us.  It will require nothing less than a world war or a complete global economic collapse (orchestrated, in both cases) to destroy the last vestiges of self-governance and law that exist for us.  The time to put a stop to it is now, before the power base of the elite becomes so strong that individuals cannot withstand it. The time to rebel against it is now, while we still have the chance before that boot tramples the face of humanity…forever.

  3. A esposa e a filha são o seu calcanhar de Aquíles

    Com a pressão contra elas aumentando a tendência é a delação “premiada”. Tipo biscoitinho da sorte Chinês.

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