Piadinhas infames da era Trump

When you come to Brazil do not forget to ask your “jus primae noctis” right to fuck the young wife of sire .

Sire wife is as hot as her sister.

I know, I know,… You do not like Brazilian pigs, but maybe you like Brazilian cows girls. Ha, ha, ha…

On the house. Tribute to your whorehouse owner grandfather. Ha, ha, ha…

said that global warming does not exist. He will accelerate the fossil economy and cancel the Paris agreements.

Good news .

In a short time we will see thousands of Americans dying.

The extinction of these oil dependent dinosaurs will be good for the Solar System.

‘s victory will sink and government in Brazi. These morons blew up Mercosur and BRICS.

And now Brazil can not link its weak economy in the US tightly protectionist economy.

It seems to me that the Americans totally fuck and . They bet and lost .

The window to a popular revolution in has opened now.

Poor English people . They are out of and will be rejected by the new United States.

Worst of all worlds Jeremy… Scotland will sell whiskey in England with European or American export tax.

Forget about Paula. He’s just another rich, arrogant white guy who’s going to fart wet inside .

Soon in all airports outside US. Where you are from? I’m from America great again. And you? From Canada, but I have US passport.

With the election of instantly won 100 million new tourists. Where you are from ?

Good. Oregon is in Canada now, right?

Please raise a big wall surrounding . Thus we Brazilian pigs can declare new prisoner of great America.

, Brazilian pig chancellor, said Trump’s victory will be catastrophic. What says about it ?

Forget about Bill. Nobody wants to know who was the last emperor of Rome.


Forget about it. One thing is for sure: in the Comic Book Universe, America is great again.



Fábio de Oliveira Ribeiro

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