Como a polícia reage na Alemanha…

Por ricardo l l berbara

Na Alemanha, em 19 Maio, a polícia retirou seus capacetes e armamentos para acompanhar, de forma pacífica, a remoção de manifestantes que ocupavam imóveis urbanos, na chamada “Blockupy March”. Por aqui, essa violência que está claro, nada tem a ver com os 0,20 centavos. 

Do portal Humans Are Free

German Police Removed Helmets and Escorted Occupy Frankfurt Protesters

During the May 19th Occupy Frankfurt protests, the German police showed what integrity and democracy really mean. After removing their helmets, the policemen joined the “Blockupy” march.

According to the Washington Post,

“At least 20,000 people held a major rally of the local Occupy movement in Frankfurt on Saturday to decry austerity measures affecting much of Europe, the dominance of banks, and what they call untamed capitalism.

The protesters peacefully filled the city center of continental Europe’s biggest financial hub on a warm and pleasant afternoon, said Frankfurt police spokesman Ruediger Regis. He said 20,000 people were there, while organizers put the number at 25,000.

The protest group, named Blockupy, has called for blocking access to the European Central Bank, which is located in Frankfurt’s business district.

Organizer spokesman Roland Seuss the protest is ‘against the Europe-wide austerity dictate by the (creditor) troika of ECB, the EU Commission and the International Monetary Fund.’

‘We are in solidarity with the people of Greece and other European countries who are already gravely suffering from (budget) cuts across the board which threaten their very existence,’ Suess said.

‘International resistance against the austerity imposed by troika and governments,’ read one banner, followed by protesters waving Greek and Spanish flags. ‘Break the bank’s power,’ read another banner.

” The Washington Post mentioned the Friday 18th temporary arrests, but made no reference to the integrity of the German policemen who peacefully escorted the Blockupy protesters. As a result of their actions, no violence and no arrests took place on Saturday. This is a great example that without undercover agents provocateurs and policemen breaking the constitutional right of public manifestation, the protesters are in fact acting peaceful and civilized.

The German police gave an example of morality, integrity and democracy. Some may not realize it, but this is a major step towards the decline of the banking elite and mankind’s enslavement. We need to stand together (protesters, policemen, army men) against our common enemies: the enslaving “elites”!

The 1% can really fear us now!

Luis Nassif

Luis Nassif

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