Desafio às instituições de dentro do próprio Governo, por J. Carlos de Assis

Aliança pelo Brasil

Desafio às instituições de dentro do próprio Governo

Por J. Carlos de Assis

Nos velhos e bons filmes de faroeste o mocinho apanhava durante no mínimo os dois terços iniciais da fita para só começar a revidar no último terço, neste caso porém de forma implacável. A gente ficava incomodado com as surras iniciais mas sabia que tudo se resolveria favoravelmente no fim com uma sequência de socos ou tiros certeiros. Afinal, Marlon Brando ou John Wayne não eram para levar desaforo para casa.

A sociedade brasileira deve estar ansiosa para ver a reação do ministro da Justiça, José Eduardo Cardozo, aos socos reiterados que vem levando fora e dentro de casa, e principalmente dentro de casa, onde é desafiado abertamente pelos seus subordinados da Polícia Federal. A última humilhação do Ministro foi a nota dos delegados da Polícia Federal contra o corte de verbas da instituição, e na qual se apelava ao Ministro para fazer mais e falar menos.

Eu jamais supus que um ministro da Justiça pudesse ser enxovalhado dessa forma pelos seus próprios subordinados. Imagino Paulo Brossard, o único ministro da Justiça que conheci bem pessoalmente, sendo desafiado publicamente pela Polícia Federal. Seria impensável. Só acontece porque chegamos ao grau máximo de derretimento das instituições políticas brasileiras, curiosamente em nome da luta contra a corrupção – como se liquidar instituições republicanas não é ela própria uma forma de corrupção política.

Por outro lado, a Procuradoria Geral da República se insurge contra uma medida provisória da Presidenta que disciplina a questão dos acordos de leniências das empresas envolvidas com a Lava Jato. O objetivo da MP, corretíssimo, é separar empresa de empresário, de forma a punir empresários corruptos e não empresas, que são pessoas jurídicas, geradoras de emprego e de tecnologia, e que portanto deveriam ter preservadas suas possibilidades de continuar a contratar com o setor público depois de pagar as devidas multas e indenizações, caso se comprove sua responsabilidade em irregularidades.

Diante da escalada de desemprego que está ocorrendo no  Brasil e da contração da economia que pode ter chegado a inéditos 5% no ano passado, a atitude dos Procuradores é uma violência contra milhões de trabalhadores, um ato de total irresponsabilidade pública, uma iniciativa movida exclusivamente pela vaidade sem levar em conta consequências sociais e econômicas. Aliás, a própria Lava Jato, em muitos de seus aspectos, é uma violência contra o cidadão e contra o Direito sob pretexto de combater a corrupção.

Alguém tem que parar delegados e promotores federais antes que levem o país a uma divisão irremediável e a uma ruptura revolucionária. Eles estão exercendo o poder absoluto, e onde há poder absoluto há revolta absoluta. Por enquanto isso não está sendo claramente percebido porque a sociedade não se deu conta das relações de causa e efeito no processo social, isto é, a relação entre Lava Jato e desemprego, e Lava Jato e contração econômica. Por enquanto, na condição de manadas conduzidas pela Grande Imprensa vendida e irresponsável, só enxergam o lado espetacular das investigações. Mas isso logo será superado.

Como as instituições republicanas estão estraçalhadas, e só tem poder efetivo no Brasl a Polícia e o Ministério Público, a sociedade terá de reconstituí-las de baixo para cima, apelando diretamente ao poder popular. É isso que tentaremos fazer através da Aliança pelo Brasil, uma organização suprapartidária e supraideológica que pretende reunir algumas centenas de parlamentares independentes e de personalidades da sociedade civil em torno de dois objetivos centrais: barrar o impeachment, e mudar radicalmente a política econômica a partir da recuperação financeira e de uma limpeza em regra na governança da Petrobrás. Precisamos de sua adesão.

J. Carlos de Assis – Jornalista, economista, doutor pela Coppe/UFRJ, autor de “Os Sete Mandamentos do Jornalismo Investigativo”, Ed. Textonovo, SP, 2015.


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  1. Lei de Leniência

    Leia-se: descartar as pessoas, preservar o sistema. 

    É uma argumentação que serve bem aos que querem que os dutos do desvio continuem lubrificando a corruptocracia brasileira. A impunidade, agora justificada pelo verniz econômico.

    O que se está propondo é a definitica extinção do risco para empresas que já são apadrinhadas pelo Estado como nenhum outro setor. Com a nova lei, abrir uma empreiteira e participar do jogo da corrupção passará a ser um negócio de risco ZERO em termos econômicos. 

    “Algo precisa mudar para que tudo permaneça como está” – Tomaso di Lampeduza. Que tal colocar no “caput” da nova lei?

  2. O fim do Estado de Direito


    Só os banqueiros do 0,001% contam para a proteção legal, o resto é resto mesmo.


    Paul Craig Roberts: The Rule Of Law No Longer Exists In Western Civilization


    My work documenting how the law was lost began about a quarter of a century ago. A close friend and distinguished attorney, Dean Booth, first brought to my attention the erosion of the legal principles on which rests the rule of law in the United States. My columns on the subject got the attention of an educational institution that invited me to give a lecture on the subject. Subsequently, I was invited to give a lecture on “How The Law Was Lost” at the Benjamin Cardozo School of Law in New York City.

    The work coalesced into a book, The Tyranny Of Good Intentions, coauthored with my research associate, Lawrence M. Stratton, published in 2000, with an expanded edition published in 2008. We were able to demonstrate that Sir Thomas More’s warning about prosecutors and courts disregarding law in order to more easily convict undesirables and criminals has had the result of turning law away from being a shield of the people and making it into a weapon in the hands of government.That is what we witness in the saga of the Hammonds, long-time ranchers in the Harney Basin of Oregon.

    With the intervention of Ammon Bundy, another rancher who suffered illegal persecution by the Bureau of Land Management but stood them off with help from armed militia, and his supporters, the BLM’s decades long persecution of the innocent Hammonds might have come to a crisis before you read this.

    Bundy and militiamen, whose count varies from 15 to 150 in the presstitute media, have seized an Oregon office of the BLM as American liberty’s protest against the frame-up of the Hammonds on false charges. As I write the Oregon National Guard and FBI are on the way.

    The militiamen have said that they are prepared to die for principles, and the rule of law is one of them. Of course, the presstitute media is making the militiamen into the lawbreakers—and even calling them terrorists—and not the federal government’s illegal prosecution of the Hammonds, whose crime was their refusal to sell their ranch to the government to be included in the Masher National Wildlife Refuge.

    If there are only 15 militiamen, there is a good chance that they will all be killed, but if there are 150 armed militiamen prepared for a shootout, the outcome could be different.

    I cannot attest to the accuracy of this report of the situation (the resources required to verify the information in this account of how the government escalated a “crisis” out of the refusal of a family to bend is beyond the resources of this website) – However, the story fits perfectly with everything Lawrence Stratton and I learned over the years that we prepared our book on how the law was lost. This account of the persecution of the Hammonds is the way government behaves when government has broken free of the rule of law.

    I can attest with full confidence that the United States no longer has a rule of law. The USA is a lawless country. By that I do not mean what conservative Republicans mean, which is, if I understand them, that racial minorities violate law with something close to impunity.

    What I mean is that only the mega-banks and the One Percent have legal protection, and that is because these people control the government. For everyone else law is a weapon in the hands of the government to be used against the American people.

    The fact that the shield of law no longer exists for American citizens is why, according to US Department of Justice statistics, only 4 percent of federal felonies ever go to trial. Almost the entirety of federal felonies are settled by coerced plea bargains that force defendants to admit to crimes that they did not commit in order to avoid “expanded indictments” that, if presented to the typical stupid, trusting, gullible American “jury of their peers,” would lock them away for hundreds of years.

    American justice is a joke. It does not exist. You can see this in the American prison population. “Freedom and Democracy” America not only has the largest percentage of its population in prison than any country on the planet, but also the largest number of prisoners.

    If you consider that “authoritarian” China has four times the population of the United States but fewer prisoners, you understand that “authoritarian” China has a more protective rule of law than the United States.

    Compared to “freedom and democracy America,” Russia has hardly anyone in prison. Yet, Washington and its media whores have defined the President of Russia as “the new Hitler.”

    The only thing we can conclude from the facts is that the United States Government and those ignorant fools who worship it are evil incarnate.

    Out of evil comes dictatorship. The White House Fool, at best a two-bit punk, has decided that he doesn’t like the Second Amendment to the US Constitution any more than he likes any of the other constitutional protections of US citizens. He is looking for dictatorial methods, that is, unlegislated executive orders, to overturn the Second Amendment. He has the corrupt US Department of Justice, a criminal organization, looking for ways for the dictator to overturn both Congressional legislation and Supreme Court rulings.

    The media whores have fallen in line with the would-be dictator. All we hear is “gun violence.” If only Karl Marx were still with us. He would ridicule those who turn inanimate objects into purposeful actors. It is extraordinary that the American left-wing thinks that guns, not people, kill people.

    The position of the “progressive left-wing” in the United States is perplexing. Here are Americans, immersed into a police state, as are the Hammonds, and the progressive left-wing wants to disarm the population.

    Whatever this “progressive left-wing opposition” is, it has nothing in common with revolutionaries. The American left-wing is totally irrevelant, a defeated force that sold out and no longer represents the people or the truth.

    Even more astonishing, judging by comments on RT’s report on the situation and the readers comments, all RT and American blacks want to know is where is the National Guard in Oregon? Why isn’t it called out against the White militia protests as it was called out against the Black Ferguson protests?

    If protesting the murder of a young black American by Ferguson police is not legitimate and the protesters are “terrorists,” why aren’t the Oregon protestors terrorists for trying to protect jailbirds from their “lawful sentence”? This is the wrong question.

    It really is discouraging that the American black community is unable to understand that if any American can be dispossessed, all Americans can be dispossessed.

    It is also discouraging that RT decided to play the race card instead of comprehending that law is no longer a shield of the American people but is a weapon in the hands of Washington.

    Why doesn’t RT at least listen to the President of Russia, who states repeatedly that America and the West are lawless.

    Putin is correct. America and its vassals are lawless. No one is safe from the government.

  3. Bitcoin com blockchain é a única saída para os Estados

    The Rise Of Independent (Non-State) Crypto-Currencies

    This week I am addressing themes I see playing out in 2016.

    A number of systemic, structural forces are intersecting in 2016. One is the rise of non-state, non-central-bank-issued crypto-currencies.

    We all know money is created and distributed by governments and central banks. The reason is simple: control the money and you control everything.

    The invention of the blockchain and crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin have opened the door to non-state, non-central-bank currencies–money that is global and independent of any state or central bank, or indeed, any bank, as crypto-currencies are structurally peer-to-peer, meaning they don’t require a bank to function: people can exchange crypto-currencies to pay for goods and services without a bank acting as a clearinghouse for all these transactions.

    This doesn’t just open the possibility of escaping the debt-serfdom of central and private banks–it opens the door to an entire global economy that’s free of the inequality and concentration of wealth and power that is the only possible output of central bank created and distributed money.

    Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert and I discuss these possibilities in The Keiser Report: Radically Beneficial World (25:43)…



    Recall that central bank money is borrowed into existence, which means interest must be paid until the money is extinguished by the payment of debt.

    In effect, today’s wars, bread and circuses, etc. will be paid for in perpetuity by our kids, grandkids and their kids. This is debt-serfdom. The only possible output of borrowing money into existence is debt-serfdom.

    Debt jubilees, no matter how well-intended, simply maintain the system of bank-issued money and debt-serfdom: dialing back the debt load from impossible to bearable does nothing but continue financial feudalism.

    Just printing money and distributing it to the unemployed and working poor (known as QE for the people) also doesn’t change anything structurally: printing money without increasing the production of goods and services just means the flood of new money will chase the existing pool of goods and services, generating runaway inflation (see Zimbabwe, Venezuela, et al.)

    The Keynesian Cargo Cult’s fetish is “demand”–meaning the “demand” created by having money in your pocket. The Keynesian Cargo Cult wrongly assumes that this “demand” will magically generate more goods and services.

    If this were true, then there would be no inflation when governments such as Zimbabwe print money with abandon: this new “demand” would magically generate more goods and services.

    But this Keynesian assumption is flat-out wrong. In reality, printing and distributing money does not guarantee a corresponding expansion of productive goods and services. The “magic” is misleading fantasy; the actual mechanism is much more complex than mere “demand.”

    The second fatal flaw in the Keynesian Cargo Cult’s “solution” of printing and distributing “free money” is the money ends up funding worthless or even destructive uses: bridges to nowhere, ghost cities, needless MRI tests, worthless college degrees, and so on, in essentially limitless mal-investment and waste.

    I propose instead that new crypto-currency money only be created when goods and services that are scarce in real-world communities are produced. I call thisCLIME: the Community Labor Integrated Money Economy, and I describe how it works in my book A Radically Beneficial World: Automation, Technology and Creating Jobs for All.

    This is the unsustainable world of bank/state issued money: crushing debt loads across the globe. This is debt-serfdom on a planetary scale.

    Debt serfdom is no longer the only option – A Radically Beneficial World beckons.

  4. ótimo texto….
    sempre tem os

    ótimo texto….

    sempre tem os da direita que acusam os críticos do mpf e

    esses tresloucados analfabetos funcionais da lava-jato.

    esses direitistas acusam esses críticos de serem a favor da corrupção…

    apenas um mantra denunciado tb  pelos comentaristas mais conscientes

    e que querem ampliar a discussão, não restringi-la com frases feitas….

    a verdade tem uma amplitude quase infinita, não

    é a verdasde de um só segmento social…

    por isso existe a democracia, que deve ser preservada

    justamente para que opossamos alcançar um maior

    aprofuindamento da verdade….

  5. Recordo do filósofo do

    Recordo do filósofo do direito do nazismo: Carl Schmitt.

    Ele dizia que a verdade do Direito está no poder ou que para criar o direito não precisa de ter razão/direito.

    Lá deu no que deu.

    Quem detém o poder no capitalismo usa alguns instrumentos como delegados, MP para conseguir seus objetivos.

    Depois de algum tempo serão descartados quando não houver mais serventia.

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