Blame It On Obama, de Andre Williams

Andre Williams, do alto de seus quase 80 anos, lança novo álbum e culpa Obama. Ironia, claro. Mestre do punk blues e do rock mais radical, Williams gravou pela primeira vez em 1955, ou seja, nas origens do rock’n’roll. Tendo superado as drogas, e muito sofrimento, nunca parou de gravar e tocar ao vivo, aí pelo mundo. 

look here ….lemme tell ya something
life’s getting kinda rough
and things getting kinda tough
and things just ain’t going like we wanna
well…we’ll just blame it on Obama

we got to find a way to find a brighter day
when they’ve had Carter
and he didn’t do what he oughta
they didn’t do what they said
but now that it’s stopped
we’ll just…blame it on Obama
now the chickens stopped laying eggs
that’s a shame
and a dollar ain’t worth a dime
who’s to blame?
and your wife is on the run
and she won’t give ya none
we’ll just blame it on Obama
now I got a wife
and I vowed to stay with her for the rest of my life
but now she’s lookin’ kinda funny
and I wonder why
so I look at the sky every day
and I hope and I pray
that we won’t have to lay it all on Obama
Obama, Obama…what a load
I wouldn’t wanna be you
God knows
but if I had my wish today
I’d get on my knees and pray
that I won’t have to blame it on…Obama
and one more thing,
the people in Arizona
is cryin’ cause they ain’t gettin’ what they wanta
and New York is goin’ broke
I hope that don’t happen
but I’m down on my knees and I pray
that there’ll be a brighter day
but until then I’ll just blame it on Obama

Luis Nassif

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